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Benoit Marpeau

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Recognized specialist of mergers and acquisitions and of investment and complex corporate finance transactions, Benoit Marpeau practiced law in a first-hand law firm in Paris and Tokyo. He is leading the M&A team of Peltier Juvigny Marpeau & Associés since 2015.

Admitted to practice in 2006, he holds a DESS in Business and tax law (Paris II). He is an expert at the Club des Juristes and a lecturer at Paris II.


Benoit Marpeau has been recognized in the 2022 list of the Top 40 lawyers of the CAC 40, published by Forbes France in partnership with La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires

Benoit Marpeau is described by Chambers Europe 2022 as "very creative technically, a skilled negotiator and always focused on finding the most efficient solution for the client."

Legal 500 EMEA 2022:

Benoit Marpeau is quite simply amazing: always available, capable of an enormous workload, true leader of his team, very pragmatic with a high negotiation capacity and persuasive, the work done is always of a high level and finally very nice and full of humor which allows him not to take himself too seriously.” “One of the very best advocates of the Paris market practice.”

"Benoit Marpeau is very available and accessible and has an excellent mastery of M&A subjects.”

Benoit Marpeau’s team has become essential in a few years in Paris. Their technicality and responsiveness are at the level of the best teams in the market, and they add an excellent relationship with clients.”

Benoit Marpeau manages to reconcile in a rare way the qualities of a formidable negotiator and a very sharp technician.”

The magazine Décideurs distinguished him in 2017 as one of the ten “most promising lawyers of their generation”.

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